Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Prayer Series Frameworks

The Prayer Series Frameworks are a gentle pastel art prints with inspiring verses and prayers to encourage, minister as well as to reflect the love of God in your home. This is the perfect gift for lasting memories.

Heartfelt sentiment is framed in natural dark textured wood or white in colour.
White Frame: 29(W) x 49 (H) cm
Dark Brown Frame: 28 (W) x 48 (H) cm

The Lord’ Prayer
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The Lord's Prayer is the model of prayer that Jesus taught us, as recorded in the gospels of Matthew and Luke.This prayer is prayed daily by thousands of Christians, and can be seen both as a model for prayer, and as to be repeated as part of our daily prayer.

Prayer For Missionaries
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Father God, I am so thankful that you have saved the world through your son, Jesus. I pray that more would answer your call to invite the lost to your banquet. May those who go out to share your good news be welcomed, accepted and never lack the things they need to complete your commission. Give them unity; love and peace even as they push back the darkness. In Christ’s name I pray. Amen

Prayers For Pastors
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Lord, we thank you for our pastors. I pray that you would give them perseverance for the long hail. Lead our pastors into times of refreshing and time of praise. May they deliver your Word with authority and that we would be ready to receive what is on your heart. Teach us how we can be so-labourers with them and support them as they lead our church. Amen

Prayer For Our Family
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Jesus, we entrust our family to you. We ask that you lead us to know you in greater dept and intimacy. Hold us together in understanding and harmony; enable us to walk in forgiveness and reconciliation. May we love one another, responding with gentleness, kindness, and grace. Lord Jesus, we enthrone you as Head of our home. Amen

Prayer For My Wife
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Heavenly Father, I am grateful for my wife. I pray that you will strengthen and uphold her. Lead her to enjoy relationships with our friends, our family and most of all, with you. May she experience your creativity and resourcefulness as she joyfully serves you. Enable me to be faithfully to her, and love her unconditionally even as Christ loves me. Amen

Prayer For My Husband
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Lord, I commit my husband to you.May you give him wisdom and confidence.Bless his work and give him your vision for our future. I want you to be number one in his life, and for him to find time to rest in you presences daily. Unite us in one spirit, one mind, and one heart s we serve you. Amen

Prayer For Mothers
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Almighty God, I thank you for the gift of my mother. I pray that you strengthen her in the knowledge of your grace and grant her discernment as she cares for our family. May she always find refreshment and rest in your presence even in the midst of her many tasks. Lord teach me to honour, remember, and listen to my mother. Holy Spirit I entrust you to care for my mother. Amen

Prayer For Fathers
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Lord, I thank you for my father. I pray that you will renew a steadfast spirit within him as he leads and provides for our family. May he find time to study your Word and enjoy your intimate presence so that he expresses your discipline, love and compassion. Empower him as he serves you, our family and your kingdom. Amen

Prayer For Daughters
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Lord, I commit my daughter to you. I pray that she would embrace your closeness. Show her your ways and lead her to the truth, so that she will walk in righteousness and know your peace. May she fulfill the calling that you have for her. I pray that she will be a blessing to her community and the nation even as she is a blessing to us. Protect her and keep her safe at all times. Amen

Prayer For Sons
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Abba Father, I place my precious son in your hands. I pray that he seeks you diligently, so that he will walk in the truth and be a man after your own heart. Increase his faith and grant him understanding of your Word. May he be a bearer of your light and a testimony of your grace to his generation and the generations to come. All glory and honour belong you. Amen

Prayer For Sisters
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Lord, before the world was created you had thought of my sister. I am thankful that it is you who thinks of her even now. May she know the thoughts that you have of her and believe your words with unshakeable trust. I ask that she would be secure in you, and express your kindness to those around her. Bless my sister with enduring riches and lasting health. Amen

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Prayer For Brothers
Most High, God, I praise you for my brother. I ask that you would pursue my brother with your love so that he may come to know your tender mercy. Make him to be salt and light to the flavourless and dark world in which we live. It is you who desires justice, be righteous, and walk humbly before you. I entrust my brother o you for your purposes. Amen